A Musical Play based on the life and times of Caroline Chisholm by Peter N. Pinne and Don Battye (from an idea by Leila Blake)
The Story
Caroline has been prepared especially for Secondary School production. Teachers and educationalists alike have praised this musical for its entertaining qualities and ability to involve students of all interests and skills.
This story of the "Lady on the five dollar note" is set in Sydney between the years 1840 and 1854 and provides ample chorus work for citizens, government officials, miners, camp followers, immigrant wives and settlers. Apart from Caroline, Archibald, Flora and Tom, all the other characters may be doubled by cast members according to the size of the company. The musical should have a continuing look about it wherever possible each scene should almost overlap the previous one. It is easier to create this effect by not attempting to have solid sets and furniture.
1. Outside And Inside Petty's Hotel
2. Caroline's Vow And Archibald
3. The Party
4. Interview With Governor Gipps (1)
5. The Priest Calls
6. Interview With Governor Gipps (2)
7. Outside And Inside Petty's Hotel
8. Interview With Governor Gipps (3)
9. On The Road
10. The Chisholm Home
11. Select Committee
12. Packing The Chisholm Home
13. New Found Freedom London
14. Visit To Earl Grey (1)
15. Search For Ann
16. Visit To Earl Grey (2)
17. Caroline's London Home
18. Caroline Confronts Lang
19. Come Emigrate
20. Call Of The Gold
21. Finale Montage
Principal Characters
Caroline Chisholm
Captain Archibald Chisholm
Tom Shepherd
Ann Shepherd
Governor Gipps
Lady Gipps
Dr John Lang
Earl Lang
Earl Grey's Aide
A Priest
(Total number of books = 5)
1 Keyboard
1 Bass
1 Flute
1 Percussion
1 Piano conductor's score