London Revues

SCENE 3. — “A FRAGONARD IMPRESSION” (Music for this Scene composed by Willy Redstone) • An Actress - Alice Delysia • Her Lover - Marie Cooke • A Bonne - Florence Vif • A Marquis - Leon Morton • An Abbe - Murri Moncrieff • A Page - Neville Hoyte SCENE 4. SONG —”Never Let Your Right Hand Know What Your Left Hand Is Going to Do” - Harold Bradly DUET:—”Musique d’Antichambre” - Alice Delysia and Leon Morton SCENE 5 — EXTERIOR OF A PROVINCIAL THEATRE (Bruce Smith) • Mill Girls - Joy Webster, Peggy Foster, Gladys Lennox • A Grocer’s Boy - William Wheeler • A Young Theatregoer - Maisie Walsh • An Old Theatregoer - Florence Vie • Second Old Theatregoer - Marie Cooke • A Little Street Singer - Moya Nugent • Her Grandfather - Murri Moncrieff SONG: “There’s a World Full of Love in Your Heart” - Moya Nugent Accompanied on the Harmonium by Murri Moncrieff SCENE 6 — INTERIOR OF A PROVINCIAL THEATRE (John Bull) Introducing • Miss Clarice Lovibond, the famous Child Actress, in her original character of WINNIE (as played by her upwards of 20,000 times) in the great emotional drama of heart interest, entitled: “Why Wives Wander” • Ruth Winsome - Dorothy Minto • Haverstock Hill - J. M. Campbell • Reginald - Reginald Andrews and • Winnie - Clarice Lovibond Incidental Music by Edward Jones (née Edward Steadman) SCENE 7 - A FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER’S. (Delysia shaves Morton and tells him of her crushed ambitions) • Hairdresser’s Wife - Alice Delysia • First Customer - Murri Moncrieff • Second Customer - Leon Morton SCENE 8 —A FREE LIBRARY (John Bull) • A “Gentle Reader” - J. M. Campbell • Librarian - Reginald Andrews • Lieut. William Brown, V.C. - Nigel Playfair • Ivanhoe - Murri Moncrieff SCENE 9 — THE ARABIAN NIGHTS (Marc Henri) (Burlesque of “Chu Chin Chow”) “Ali Baa-Baa” or The Black Sheep of the Slave Market Theatre. (by Keble Howard, Music by Edward Jones) • Compere - Nigel Playfair • The Slave Owner - Florence Vie • The Author - Leon Morton • The Auctioneer - J. M. Campbell • The Author’s Wife - Alice Delysia