London Revues

(a) Mrs, Siddons - Ann Codrington • Hannen Swatter - Sonnie Hale (b) Mr. Ruskin - Lance Lister • Noel Coward - Douglas Byng (c) Professor Einstein - William Stephens • Sir Isaac Newton - Lance Lister (d) Dr. Johnson - Fred Groves • Bernard Shaw - Douglas Byng 16. WHAT IS THIS THING CALLED LOVE? (Choreography by Tilly Losch) • Singer - Elsie Carlisle • The Girl - Tilly Losch • The Man - Toni Birkmayer • The Other Woman - Alanova • The Idol - William Cavanagh 17. CHESTER FREDERICKS 18. WAIT UNTIL IT'S BEDTIME (Dance arranged by Max Rivers) • Jessie Matthews and Mr. Cochran's Young Ladies 19. BEDTIME STORIES • Announcer - Sonnie Hale (a) 1740 • The Husband - Fred Groves • His Friends – Jack Clewes, Douglas Byng • His Wife - Ann Codrington • A Gentlemen in an Unfortunate Position - Claude Newman (b) 1860 • The Father - Lance Lister • The Daughter - Nancy Barnet • The Mother - Moya Nugent • The Son - William Cavanagh (d) 1929 • Dorothy Robinson (e) 1929 - Nancy Fielder, Greta Taylor, Marjorie Browne, • The Girl - Jessie Matthews • The Man - William Stephens 20. OPERATIC PILLS • Sir Thomas Beecham - Sonnie Hale • The Barber of Seville - Monty Grimshaw • Louise - Moya Nugent • The Toreador - William Cavanagh • Madame Butterfly - Nancy Barnett • Elsa - Betty Shale • Lohengrin - Stephen Adeson, June 21. PASTORALE - (Arranged by Tilly Losch to the music of Schubert and Lortzing) • Tilly Losch, Toni Birkmayer, and Mr Cochran's Young Ladies And Gentlemen 22. ONLY A SCHOOLGIRL • A Young Lady - Jessie Matthews