London Revues

• The Courtesans - Iris Travers, Dolores Dalgarno • The Bloods - Edward Cooper, William Cavanagh, John Buckmaster, Bertie Hare • His Hi-De-Highness - Walter Crisham • Orange Sellers - The Girls “Naughty Nellie Gwynne " by Douglas Byng "Hi-Diddle-Diddle” - by William Walker and Robert Nesbitt INTERVAL PART II THREE LITTLE PIGS (By James Hanley and Benny Davis: With acknowledgements to Walt Disney) • Dolores Dalgarno and Chorus SOPHISTICATED AGE (By Aubrey Ensor) • Ann – June • David - John Buckmaster • Her Father - Reginald Gardiner "OO LA LA ! OUI, OUI!" (By Douglas Byng) • Compere - Edward Cooper • Les Boys - Edward Cooper, William Cavanagh, Bertie Hare, Pat Anslow Austin • La Belle Chi-Chi - Douglas Byng YOU'VE GOT TO ADMIT (By Carroll Gibbons and James Dyrenforth) • Iris Travers and John Buckmaster SALESMANSHIP (By Aubrey Ensor) • Demonstrator - Reginald Gardiner • Wife - Doris Hare • Husband - Bertie Hare • Maid - Noreen Hamilton MISS OTIS REGRETS (By Cole Porter) • Douglas Byng WAITING FOR YOU (By Frederick Stevens and David Yates-Mason) • Compere - Edward Cooper • He - Edward Cooper • She – June LIGHT AND SHADE (An impression by William Walker and Robert Nesbitt, Based on a Composition by Lew Stone) • Walter Crisham, Dolores Dalgarno and The Girls ZIPP (By Mary Dunn and John Tilley) • Reginald Gardiner Interrupted by • Rosemary Howard, Joan Howard, Jane Blackmore and Patricia Leonard BEAUTY AND THE BEAST (By Kenneth Leslie-Smith and James Dyrenforth) (With acknowledgements to Peter Arno) • June and Douglas Byng