Shows A

himself enough to tell Horace that he will be his advisor. Horace is grateful and thanks him. Agnes, sitting in her window, tells her troubles to Georgette, who is resting in the garden. Georgetter is called back to drill and Agnes wonders what king of world is outside. Horace enters with a ladder and urges her to come down. She is hesitant, he is nervous. He climbs up to her and they sing. Arnolphe enters the garden to tell Agnes she is to remain locked in her room and in bed until the wedding day. She obediently closes the shutters and is locked in with Horace. Act III opens as Agnes opens her shutters and Horace lowers his ladder, descends and exits. Arnolphe enters and allows Agnes to open her shutters and breathe in the air. She is in a good mood. Arnolph is pleased with himself and the servants are tired of guarding the girl. On the street Arnolphe is busily sending his servants to prepare for the wedding when he is greeted by his friend, Chrysalde, who is astounded to hear that Arnolphe is actually marrying his ward. Arnolphe exits on his way to have his hair tinted and Chrysalde tells the audience that a man must be realistic as he grows old. Arnolphe sees Horace and urges him to tell his latest adventures. When Horace tells of his evening spent in Agnes’s room and his plan to spirit her away at eight o’clock this evening, Arnolphe is overcome and laments alone. Later that evening Horace spirits Agnes away and takes her to the street to entrust her to his friend Arnolphe. Upon his exit, Agnes discovers that Arnolphe is really La Souche who returns her to her room. The next morning Horace meets Arnolphe and tells him that his father has arrived in Paris with the news that Horace is to marry the daughter of Enrique, a man of vast wealth. Chrysalde enters with Horace’s father, Oronte, and his friend Enrique. In the confusion that follows it is discovered that the Enrique’s daughter is none other than Agnes. There is a joyous reunion where everyone relates except Arnolphe who stands alone. MUSICAL NUMBERS Act I All About Me All About He All About Him Learning Love There Goes a Mad Old Man Dialogue on Dalliance Act II March of the Vigilant Vassals Lessons on Life Man is Man's Best Friend The Other Side of the Wall Closeness Begets Closeness Act III It's a Stretchy Day When Time Takes Your Hand The Amorous Flea Learning Love (Reprise) Finale PRINCIPAL CAST • Arnolphe - Baritone • Chrysalde - Baritone • Alain - Baritone • Georgette -Alto • Agnes - Mezzo-soprano • Horace - Tenor