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families. This leads to the pair having their first fight. Later, Morticia fears she is being replaced by Wednesday and is no longer relevant to her own family. Pugsley asks his mother if there is a monster under the bed. She tells him there is and he relaxes but cannot bring himself to confess what he did to Alice. Moments later, an alligator emerges from under Pugsley's bed and crawls off stage with the bed on its back. Walking out in the yard, Wednesday runs into Gomez. He is happy she's found someone to love, yet sad that his daughter is growing up. Gomez leaves after Lucas returns. Wednesday worries that they are too different. Then as a show of trust, Lucas blindfolds Wednesday and lets her shoot an apple off his head with her crossbow. She succeeds and the two embrace. Uncle Fester calls for an interlude as he plays his banjo, singing a love song to the Moon. In the cellar, Gomez and Fester attempt to get Mal to open up about his feelings, to no avail. He's ultimately kidnapped by Bernice and pulled into the sewers. Alice, envious of Gomez and Morticia's love, asks Gomez to teach her how to tango. He complies, but Morticia arrives and sees this as a sign of infidelity. Gomez and Morticia engage in a sword fight, where she tells him she hates him. He counters that she loves him. The two go back and forth, before realizing love and hate are two sides of the same coin and they kiss and begin to tango. The cast reunites on stage as Mal returns from the sewers. He's learned to appreciate what he has after spending time in the arms of a passionate squid and announces he still loves Alice. With all the couples reunited, Pugsley admits to slipping the potion to Alice, but is congratulated since it brought everyone together. Uncle Fester, wearing a rocket, tells everyone he's flying off to be with the moon. As the families sing one last ballad they are all shocked as Lurch sings out loud for the first time ever, just as a puff of smoke is seen on the moon, signaling Fester has just landed. MUSICAL NUMBERS 1. Overture - Orchestra 2. When You're an Addams - The Addams Family, Ancestors 3. Pulled - Wednesday, Pugsley 4. Where Did We Go Wrong - Morticia, Gomez 5. One Normal Night - Ancestors 6. Morticia - Gomez, Male Ancestors 7. What If? - Pugsley, Grandmama 8. Full Disclosure - The Company 9. Waiting - Alice 10. Full Disclosure (reprise) - The Company 11. Just Around the Corner - Morticia, Ancestors 12. The Moon and Me - Uncle Fester 13. Happy/Sad - Gomez 14. Crazier Than You - Lucas, Wednesday 15. Let's Not Talk About Anything Else But Love - Mal, Gomez, Uncle Fester, Grandmama 16. In The Arms - Mal, Alice 17. Live Before We Die - Gomez, Morticia 18. Tango de Amor - Gomez, Morticia, Ancestors 19. Move Toward The Darkness - Full Company CAST • Gomez Addams • Morticia Addams • Mal Beineke • Alice Beineke • Uncle Fester • Wednesday Addams • Pugsley Addams • Lucas Beineke • Grandmama • Lurch