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accepts an award for his game-winning kick, claiming that “I Couldn’t Have Done It Alone.” Outside the ball, Fodorski proposes to the Dean, who happily accepts (“If I Were You”). Suddenly, Henderson appears with a different kind of proposal, to form a Fodorski Foundation, and after a little persuasion, the professor agrees (“Have a Dream”). The football team has been winning game after game, and they are soon heading for the Cotton Bowl. As their successes continue, Fodorski’s name is being used to endorse hundreds of products, and his face is on the cover of many magazines (“I’m Fascinating”). Ed Bricker’s ego has also grown with each win, and he has given up interest in engineering in favor of professional football. Ed has also lost interest in Susan, who pleads for help from the Dean. Feeling ignored by Fodorski, the Dean shows up in Ed’s dormitory with martinis and dressed seductively, planning to get him disqualified from the football team (“The Real Me”). Dr. Snoops arrives with the school president, who fires the Dean. Hearing the news, Fodorski is shocked, and realizes he needs to make things right (“Which Way?”). He benches Ed so the school will lose the Cotton Bowl, thwarting Ed’s hopes for a football career, and ruining Henderson as the Fodorski Foundation collapses. The two pairs of lovers reconcile, and with the dream of a football championship gone, the students go back to their studies, and Fodorski receives a letter granting his application for citizenship (“Finale”). CAST: 6m., 6w., flexible chorus Principals • Professor Fodorski • Elizabeth Hawkes-Bullock • Susan • Edwin Bricker • Henderson Airline Stewards; Immigration Officers; travellers, tour guides, etc. SCENES AND SETTINGS Act I Scene 1: Idlewild Airport, (New York). Today. Scene 2: New York and Panorama of America. Scene 3: Dean's Office, S.B.I.T. (Southern Baptist Institute of Technology) Scene 4: Football Field. Scene 5: Classroom, S.B.I.T. Scene 6: On the Campus. Scene 7: Classroom, S.B.I.T. Scene 8: Front Porch of Elizabeth's House. Scene 9: Front Porch of Girls' Dormitory. Scene 10: Susan's Room in Girls' Dormitory. Scene 11: On the Window of Susan's Room. Scene 12: Locker Room. Scene 13: Football Field and Stadium. Act II Scene 1: Office of Exploiters Unlimited. Scene 2: Exterior and Interior of Union Building, S.B.I.T. Scene 3: Fodorski's Seduction. Scene 4: On the Campus. Scene 5: Office of Fodorski Foundation. Scene 6: Bricker's Room in Boys' Dormitory. Scene 7: On the Campus. Scene 8: The Cotton Bowl.