Shows A

and Charlie comment on the rat-race. When Joe finds out that Jenny is cheating on him with Lansdale, the big-shot trustee, all seems lost and he hears the voices of his father and small-town friends calling him back (COME HOME). The ultimate conflict then confronts our hero: Lansdale offers him the post of Chief Physician at the new hospital. Joe's speech at the dedication ceremony is the turning point of his life, and he finds the courage to announce that he is not taking up the appointment, but returning home to be his father's assistant. Jenny is outraged, but Emily - and, to general amazement, Charlie - impulsively decide to join him. PRINCIPAL CHARACTERS • JOE (JOSEPH TAYLOR, Jr. A very typical human being, with all the usual frailties, but dogged and resolute in his career choice and then in finally making the difficult but right decision • JOSEPH TAYLOR His father; a small-town general practitioner, devoted to his calling, understanding and supportive in all his son does. • MARJORIE TAYLOR Joe's mother, quiet and determined. She does not flinch from fighting for her son's soul, even if it means war with the girl he loves. • JENNY BRINKER Although she loves Joe, she is not above manipulating his career for her own ends and finally her overbearing ambition for him blinds her to the fact that if she goes too far she is sure to lose him. • NED BRINKER Her father; a small-town businessman, whose concern for his business' dynasty is probably as strong as that for his daughter's financial security. • DR. DIGBY DENBY He probably started out with Joe's ideals, but sold out along the way. He cuts an unattractive figure. • CHARLIE Deriby's nephew and Joe's college chum, a happy-go-lucky girl-chaser and 'user' of his friend, nevertheless stays loyal and 'sees the light' when Joe does. • EMILY The faithful nurse who carries a torch for professional integrity as well as for Joe. • LANSDALE Mr. Ruthless, who expects always to get his own way - and generally does. • MRS. LANSDALE A silly hypochondriac, who becomes vindictive the moment her eyes are opened. MUSICAL NUMBERS Act I 1. Joseph Taylor, Jr. – Ensemble 2. I Know It Can Happen Again – Grandma Taylor 3. One Foot, Other Foot – Ensemble 4. A Fellow Needs a Girl – Dr. Taylor and Marjorie Taylor 5. Freshman Dance – Ensemble 6. A Darn Nice Campus – Joe Taylor 7. The Purple and the Brown – Ensemble 8. So Far – Beulah 9. You Are Never Away – Joe, Jenny Brinker and Ensemble 10. What a Lovely Day for a Wedding – Ensemble 11. It May Be a Good Idea for Joe – Charlie Townsend 12. To Have and to Hold – Ensemble 13. Wish Them Well – Ensemble