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echoing their song in the dry Indian grass. Judge Charlie Cool, long an admirer of Dolly, wanders by, and decides he might be better off taking up residence with them. As twilight falls, the four friends share a bottle of dropsy cure and exchange confidences. Judge Cool observes that Dolly Talbo has always been a free spirit, an acceptor of life. Catherine reveals that Dolly is not the only acceptor of life. Colin, experiencing mixed feelings about his conflicts between love and sex, asks the Judge for advice. Dolly expresses the thought that if, as Judge Cool contends, nature is a chain of life, then her life has always been a chain of love. A shooting star is seen in the evening sky. They fall asleep, except for Collin, who explores the night, alone. In the morning he is awakened by his true love, Maude Riordan. He begs her to stay with him for just a day. Catherine jolts awake, sees them embracing, and accuses Maude of trying to seduce Collin. Collin invites Maude to come live with them in the tree house; a babble of conflicting voices arises, when Collin insists on leaving with Maude. Enter Babylove, a soulfully flamboyant lady evangelist with five blue-eyed, out-of-wedlock children in tow. Babylove's car has run out of fuel, and she decides to display her special brand of healing power. She preaches to her new friends as The Babylove Miracle Show gets underway. She tells them the story of her life, and begins to try to cure Catherine's aching back. She lets down Dolly's blonde hair, brings her together with Judge Cool and guides Maude into Collin's willing arms. They enjoy new sensations of love and joy and, in turn, Catherine, Dolly, and Collin testify they too believe in love. An outraged Verena arrives on the scene, with Dr. Ritz and the Town sheriff. A melee breaks out, ending with the arrest of Babylove and her new followers. Babylove leads Dolly, Catherine, Collin, Maude, Judge Cool and the children off to jail. Behind bars, Catherine gives voice to the fact she considers herself a genuine Indian princess. Verena arrives at the jail to have Dolly released in exchange for the dropsy cure recipe. Dolly resolves to stay with her newfound friends, and Verena leaves, angry and bewildered. The prisoners ply the Sheriff with dropsy cure, and escape. Verena, returning home, discovers Dr. Ritz has rifled her safe and left town. Realising she is alone in her house and in the world, she wonders what to do. The runaways jubilantly return to the tree-house but their celebration is interrupted by the threatening Sheriff. Verena enters, exposes Dr. Ritz for what he is, and reveals, for the first time, how vulnerable she is, how deeply she needs her sister. Dolly climbs down from the tree to greet Verena who is helped into the tree house by the welcoming hands of all. Gerrit Henry SCENES AND SETTINGS The action takes place at the Talbo House, in Joy City and in River Woods, in the past. Scene 1: The Talbo Backyard. Scene 2: The Talbo House. Scene 3: The Tree-house in River Woods. Scene 4: The Jail. Scene 5: Joy City. Scene 6: The Tree-house. MUSICAL NUMBERS 1. Dropsy Cure Weather - Dolly Talbo, Catherine Creek, Collin Talbo 2. This One Day - Collin Talbo 3. This One Day dance - Collin Talbo, Maude Riordan