Shows G

At long last the European conflict is over and the GIs are coming home. In the Village, Johnny's old bar is being sold again. Sylvia reminisces about the good old days and sings one of her favourite of all Johnny's songs, "I'll Wait For Joe". But, the good old days are not yet over. The bar's new owner shows up and the entire group is happily, and surprisingly, reunited. SETTING: The action takes place in New York, London and the battlefields of Europe, 1939 - 1945 MUSICAL NUMBERS: 1. Ba-Boom! 2. Being Made Love To 3. Crumbs In My Bed 4. The End 5. The Girl In Short Supply 6. Going Places 7. I Could Fall In Love 8. I Got the What? 9. News of You 10. Nickel Worth of Dreams 11. On the Avenue 12. Pie and Coffee 13. The Star of the Show 14. When the Money Comes In 15. You Should Be Made Love To CAST: Kelly Moran Banjo Sylvia Harry Johnny Brash Constance Duquette