Shows G

11. Song - Goldfield - "Oh, we take him from the city or the plough..." (four verses) 12. Finale Act I - "To my judicial mind there's not a doubt..." ACT II - On the Riviera. 13. Introduction and Opening Chorus - "Here on sunlit sands daintily we figure..." 14. Concerted piece - "That ladies cannot bathe, if so they please, without encount'ring creatures such as these..." 15. Trio - Rivers, Fitzwarren & Goldfield - "Buck up, buck up, old chappie!..." 16. Song - Mina - "When your pride has had a tumble, and you've set your cap too high..." 17. Trio - Sir Lewis, Dr. Brierly & Lady Virginia - "When in town you're safely landed, and the doctor far away..." 18. Duet - Rivers & Rose - "Unlucky the morn on which I was born the youngest of several brothers..." 19. Trio - Lady Edytha, Gladys & another - "We're awfully anxious to join in the fun..." 20. Carnival Chorus - "Let folly reign supreme today, for carnival is holding sway..." 21. Song - Rivers & Chorus - "Mesdames, messieurs, je suis Pierrot. (I'm nothing of the sort, you know...) " 22. Song - Goldfield - "Sunshine above, and sunshine in my heart! Laughter and love hold carnival today..." 23. Finale Act II - "I find it's really better far to keep my pranks for Bench and Bar..."