Shows G

THE GIRL ON THE FILM A Musical Farce in Three Acts. Book by James T. Tanner. Based on the original German musical comedy (Filmzauber) by Rudolf Bernauer and Rudolf Schanzer. Music by Walter Kollo, Willy Bredschneider and Albert Sirmay. Lyrics by Adrian Ross. Gaiety Theatre, London - 5th April 1913.(232 perfs) 44th Street Theatre, New York - 29th December, 1913; closed 21st February, 1914 (64 perfs). SYNOPSIS A cinema actor and producer, Max Daly, is much sought after by the ladies. Pretty Winifred, the daughter of gruff General Fitzgibbon, in order to be near him, runs away from home and dresses as a boy (Freddy) to obtain a part in one of Max's films. Max plays Napoleon during a French invasion. But Signora Maria Gesticulata (Gwendoline Brogden) has come from Italy to play a part in the same film, and Max falls in love with her. He cannot speak Italian, and she cannot speak English, so Winifred acts as interpreter. In translating a love-letter from Max to the Signora, Winifred words it so as to offend the lady, who resigns her part at once. Winifred, still supposed to be a boy, then plays the Signora's part, and Max does not discover the fact that she is a girl until after the film has been shown at an Army League soiree MUSICAL NUMBERS (London) 1. Chorus - "All of our numberless cinema galleries, where any picture-shows are played, have to come here every year - this is where all of their films..." 2. Solo - Linda and Chorus - "Now that the noisy crowd has departed, our correspondence can be started! They're gone now, go on now, we're waiting..." 3. Song - Euphemia - "People often call on me for a charity, at a matinée or fancy fair, or such-like; and I'm always glad to aid, though I don't get paid..." 4. Song - Freddy - "I know that my father would rather far have had me a lad; if I had not been a girl, you know, a splendid chance I'd have had..." 5. March Duet - Freddy and Max - "All down Bond Street I go walking, looking rather well; ... You can hear the ladies talking, 'Isn't he a swell?'..." 6. Finale Act I - "Carmen is done ... It is done! ... Wasn't it fun? ... Jolly fun! ... Do you not think we shall come out very well? ... Cannot tell! ..." 7. Chorus and Solo - Clutterbuck - "We're coming round to wish good luck to good old Corney Clutterbuck! For he's the man we understand who has a plan..." 8. Song - Linda - "When I was a tiny maid, just so high but growing, by the dear old mill I played - saw the mill-sails going. Daisies white and daisies pink..." 9. Double Octet - Typists and Farmers - "Won't you tell us who you are, you pretty girls? ... City Girls! ... City girls? ... Coming for a little holiday in May! ..." 10. Entrance of Cinema Company - "Here we are now at the mill, Napoleon's mill. We see it's standing still! Here our Chief will have a part to suit his heart..." 11. Concerted Number - "Now we'll start! Tell the lady, Freddy! ... Steady, laddie, steady ... Anybody not here? We can't start until we have the lot here! ..." 12. Duet - Linda and Valentine - "I'll get a partner if I can to help me in my trade ... And must the partner be a man? Or could you take a maid? ..."