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MUSICAL NUMBERS Act I 1. Rise Up — Ida Mae, Ornella, Isaiah, Jonas, Sam & Angels of Mercy 2. Fox in the Henhouse — Marla & Jonas 3. Fields of the Lord — Sam, Jonas & Angels of Mercy 4. Step Into the Light — Ornella, Jonas, Ida Mae, Angels of Mercy & Townspeople 5. Walking Like Daddy — Isaiah 6. Lost — Ida Mae & Angels of Mercy 7. I Can Read You — Marla & Jonas 8. Like Magic — Jake & Jonas 9. I Can Read You (Reprise) — Sam & Jonas 10. Dancin' in the Devil's Shoes — Isaiah, Ornella, Ida Mae & Angels of Mercy 11. King of Sin — Jonas 12. Dancin' in the Devil's Shoes (Reprise) — Isaiah, Ornella, Idae Mae, Angels of Mercy & Townspeople Act II 13. Rise Up (Reprise) — Angels of Mercy & Townspeople 14. Long Past Dreamin' — Marla & Jonas 15. Are You on the Bus? — Ornella, Sam, Ida Mae, Isaiah & Jonas 16. Like Magic (Reprise) — Jake & Jonas 17. People Like Us — Sam & Marla 18. Last Chance Salvation — Jonas, Angels of Mercy & Townspeople 19. If Your Faith Is Strong Enough — Jonas, Angels of Mercy & Townspeople 20. Jonas's Soliloquy — Jonas 21. Leap of Faith — Company CAST • Ida Mae Sturdevant - Lead singer in Angels of Mercy and bookkeeper. She is a dedicated mother. Though a devout Christian, hard times have found the lines she so often drew between right-and-wrong rather fuzzy. (Female, 50-60 yrs old) - Range: D3 - A5 • Isaiah Sturdevant - Bible College Student and Ida Mae's son. Sharp and caring, he possesses commendable moral fibre. He is not afraid to go to great lengths to protect his family. (Male, 18-24 yrs old) - Range: Ab2 - B4 • Jake McGowan - Marla McGowan's wheelchair bound son. He is a beacon of hope for all that cross his path because of his radiant innocence and immeasurable capacity for belief. He is also a bit of a magician. (Male, 10-13 yrs old) - Range: A3 - B4 • Jonas Nightingale - Charismatic, rock star, preacher, and alleged healer. Complex, wired, and scheming, he is a drinker with a tumultuous past. Jonas is the brains behind and leader of the Angels of Mercy. (Male, 30-40 yrs old) - Range: G2 - C5 • Marla McGowan - Sheriff of Sweetwater and Town Alderperson. Though an emotionally damaged widow, she is a loving mother. Marla is perceptive and attractive, but has more important business to which to attend than her appearance. (Female, 30-40 yrs old) - Range: F3 - D5 • Ornella Sturdevant - Angels of Mercy Singer and Ida Mae's daughter. After a deplorable string of bad boyfriends and poor choices, she is trying to turn her life around. A loving, though argumentative, daughter and sister. (Female, 20-25 yrs old) - Range: A3 - G#5 • Sam Nightingale - Company Manager and Jonas's younger sister. She has a strong love for brother and a good head on her shoulders, but, due to financial circumstances, has no choice but to continue the Angels of Mercy along their tour of deception. (Female, 25-35 yrs old) - Range: F#3 - E5