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Cover to highlight Cast recordingGreat Expectations

Adapted from the novel by Charles Dickens by Christopher G Sandford & Mike Read

Theatr Clwyd, Mold 3 December, 1993


The overture ends with the firing of the great guns signalling the escape of the convicts. Magwitch runs on pursued bny a dozen well drilled scarlet clad soldiers who fire their muskets after him.

Mrs Joe appears through the mist call harshly for Pip. As she disappears into the mist Young Pip advances out of the dark. He comes to the graveyard for pay respects to his parents. The convict leaps out from behind a gravestone and Pip flees home to obtain the demanded "file and vittles".

Pip is introduced tot he house of Miss Havisham, a lady half-crazed by the desertion of her lover on her bridal night who, in a spirit of revenge, has brought up Estelle to use her beauty as a means of torturing men.

Pip falls in love with Estelle and aspires to become a gentleman. Money and expectations of more wealth come to him from a mysterious source, which he believes to be Miss Havisham.

Pip travels to London and in his new life forgets the kindly Joe Gargery who cared for him as a child. Pip doesn't want to be reminded of his humble background. However, Pip is overtaken by misfortune but is rescued by Abel Magwitch - the same Magwitch, the escaped convict whom Pip helped as a child.

Pip's great expecation fades away and he becomes penniless. Estelle marries Bentley Drummie by whom she is cruelly ill-treated . Pip, seeing the error of his ways returns to the hme of Joe Gargery and partakes of honest labour and where he is finally reunited to Estelle, who has also learnt her lesson of life the hard way..

Musical Numbers

  1. Overture
  2. I Call Myself Pip
  3. Watching The Days Go By
  4. All Little Boys Should Be Grateful
  5. Best Of Friends
  6. This Little Boy Should Be Grateful
  7. Break His Heart
  8. Questions And Answers
  9. Cobwebs And Cake
  10. I Call Myself Pip
  11. Estella
  12. It's Wonderful
  13. Loneliest Night in The World
  14. Great Expectations
  15. Jaggers
  16. Handel
  17. To Be A Gentleman
  18. Behind The Mask
  19. Heart Of Stone
  20. Jaggers
  21. Theoretical Case
  22. Loneliest Night In The World
  23. It's Wonderful
  24. We Are Each Other
  25. We Are Each Other (Finale)


Highligh cast recording starring Darren Day - CDTER 5001